- Paint
- Motor Oil
- Anti-Freeze
- Solvents or household chemicals
- Pool Chemicals
- Pesticides & weed killer
- Guns & Ammunition
- Fire Extinguisher
- Car batteries
- Poisons
- Lamp oil
- Chemistry sets
- Matches
- Darkroom chemicals
- Streno
- Fertilizer
- Gasoline
- Propane Tanks
- Paint Thinner
- Aerosols
- Lighter Fluid
- Charcoal
- Kerosene
- Fireworks
- SCUBA Tanks
- Acids
- Batteries With Acid
- Living Plants
- Perishable Food
- Pets
- Cash
- Jewelry
- Checkbooks
- Financial statements
- Keys
- Personal Documents (passports, birth certs, pink slips, anything with your social security #)
- Medicine
38.High-Value Collectibles
39.Irreplaceable items (Family Heirlooms, Ashes, etc.)